Friday, March 9, 2012

Possibilities for the new batman movie set for 2011?

I have heard that megan fox will follow in the foot steps of michelle phifer and halle berry and play cat woman what do you guys think of thatPossibilities for the new batman movie set for 2011?
There is no release date. They having even announced that there will be a 3rd film!

Yesterday, British “Journalist” Gordon Smart of The Sun reported that Megan Fox had been cast as Catwoman in the follow up to last year’s “The Dark Knight,” currently known as “Batman 3″. This was not the only fabrication in his story, as Smart then went on to state emphatically that Batman 3 Would be shooting next year with an anticipated release date of 2011! This despite the fact that Batman helmer Chris Nolan hasn’t even announced his intentions to do a third installment yet!


on the imdb today, the news reported that NO SCRIPT had even been written. No villians have even been chosen yet. And the movie studio said until they 'officially' announce that there will be a 3rd movie, then no 3rd movie even exists for ANYONE to audition for!

This happens every day. One day the news says one thing, the next day everyone involved has to release official statements to explain the lies made up by self-serving reporters.

Megan Fox does not have the acting experience OR raw talent that a character as complex as the 'Catwoman' would require. It would be the equivelant of Zac Efron playing 'The Joker'. It just wouldn't work. imho :)
No thats not even a rumor its just something that website thought would be cool to say. Theres a possibility the next one won't even be made the only thing making us think it's alive is that untitled batman project in imdb. Anyway Christopher Nolan won't want to ever use Catwoman in any of his movies.Possibilities for the new batman movie set for 2011?
so shes probably not going to. there isnt even a script written for the movie yet, villians havent been chosen, and there is no way that she would be chosen to play as complex a character as catwoman
Cute: Yes

Actress: No

I don't think catwoman will be in the next sequel. She will probably enter the scene when robin does in a later film. I should now look who I am!

P.S. : She could be my catwoman anyday.Possibilities for the new batman movie set for 2011?
Not gonna happen if they want to keep the franchise successful. Megan Fox isn't a good actress, she's just there to show off her looks.
no,theres no robin or catwoman or batgirl!! just riddler or the pinguin %26amp; harley it comes out in 2012 in july.
megan fox could not pull it off.
that would be a proven false rumor my friend

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