Saturday, March 3, 2012

Couldnt the new Batman movie come up with a new villian?

Do they have to stay with the same old villians? I mean Riddler may be ok but The Penguin? Seems a little dorky to me. Couldnt the new Batman movie come up with a new villian?
I agree, big time. Tho as said before, the reinvents have been cool. I'd like to see the Sewer King or Poison Ivy myself.

(Tim Burton's Batman Returns made the Penguin a real penguin man, like something out of a tabloid. But Penguin in the comics is only a man who'se looks and maybe manerisms are -like- a penguin's. Re-introducing this character into the franchise would obviously be the original idea of The Penguin, as it would fit into this realistic idea of this new Batman franchise.)
but getting rid of the old villians would be like changing batman to spongeman :)

its meant to be cheesey and fun in my opinion anywayCouldnt the new Batman movie come up with a new villian?
I am all for the re-inventing the old villians, it's fun to see, but i wish they would mix it up and do a old and a new. They used Scarecrow in Batman Begins. I personally think they should do Harley Quinn, she was always a fav of mine.
I want them to do Bane

but as the comics told it not the Batman and Robin Bane wanna beCouldnt the new Batman movie come up with a new villian?
There is virtually no chance the Penguin would make it to the franchise due to the unrealistic character fitting in the current theme

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